- http://www.mzuribeads.com/about-the-bead. This website site includes a video tutorial that shows how to make the beads a well as a store for buying them from Uganda.
- http://www.beadforlife.org/ BeadforLife works to eradicate extreme poverty by creating bridges of understanding between impoverished Africans and concerned world citizens. The website includes curriculum materials about Global Poverty: How Youth Can Make a Difference
- http://emberarts.com is another American organization that partners with women in Uganda, East Africa to create beautiful jewelry using recycled paper and plastic.
- http://www.outreachuganda.org/Host_A_Party.htm includes information about how you can help the Ugandan Pit-tek Women increase their bead sales by hosting your own Bead Party.
- http://www.ugandabeads.com/ All of the beads on this site are made from recycled paper by poverty stricken people in the displaced person camps of Kampala, Uganda. Site includes ideas for hosting bead parties and other fundraising activities.